The Piano Refinishing Process

Refinishing a piano is a meticulous process that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. Here’s an overview of what goes into giving your piano a fresh new look: Options for Refinishing: Choose Your Style When it comes to refinishing your piano, there are several options to consider, depending on the look you want to…

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How to Choose a Piano Technician

Choosing the right piano technician is crucial to maintaining the health and performance of your piano. Whether you own a vintage player piano or a modern grand, a skilled technician can make all the difference in how your piano sounds and feels. But with so many options out there, how do you know which technician…

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The Science Behind Player Pianos: How Do They Work?

Player piano with roll

Player pianos, with their seemingly magical ability to play music on their own, have fascinated audiences for over a century. But what exactly goes on inside these marvels of musical engineering? How do they transform perforated paper rolls into beautiful melodies? Let’s dive into the science behind player pianos and uncover the mechanisms that make…

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Why Player Pianos Are Making a Comeback

player piano with digital system

In the world of music, trends come and go, but some classics never fade. One such classic is the player piano, an instrument that saw its heyday in the early 20th century but is now experiencing a remarkable resurgence. Why are player pianos making a comeback in an era dominated by digital music and streaming…

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What Should I Look For When Buying a Used Piano?

buying a piano

Buying a used piano can be a smart investment, offering the charm and character of an instrument with history, often at a more accessible price point than a new model. Having tuned and restored many pianos, we understand the nuances involved in selecting a quality used piano, and we’re here to help you make an…

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What Kind of Piano Should I Buy?

buy the right piano for you

When it comes to selecting the perfect piano, whether you’re a seasoned musician or a budding enthusiast, the options can seem endless. At Clare’s Player Pianos, we understand that each player has unique needs and preferences, and we’re here to help guide you through the process of choosing the right type of piano for your…

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The Fascinating Evolution of Piano Tuning: A Journey Through Time

piano tuning history

Piano tuning is an art that has been refined over centuries, evolving alongside the instrument itself. The history of piano tuning offers a fascinating glimpse into the development of musical tastes and technological advancement. This journey through time highlights how piano tuning has become a critical aspect of music-making, shaping the sounds that define eras…

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Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Piano

cleaning a piano

Piano enthusiasts understand that their instrument is not just a piece of furniture, but a companion in their musical journey. Regular cleaning is important for keeping your piano looking and sounding its best.  Cleaning a piano requires more than just a swipe of a cloth; it demands care, attention, and the right technique to maintain…

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Restoring Your Piano: Worth the Cost?

antique piano

Here at Clare’s Player Pianos, we understand that the decision to restore a piano goes beyond mere aesthetics—it’s about preserving a piece of history, reigniting memories, and perhaps even investing in the future of music in your home. But the burning question remains: Is restoring your piano worth the cost? The Emotional Value First and…

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Signs Your Piano Needs Tuning

piano tuning

The rich tones and smooth action of a well-tuned piano are a joy for both players and listeners. However, over time, pianos inevitably lose their perfect pitch, resulting in a less enjoyable playing experience. But how do you know when it’s time to call a professional piano tuner like Clare’s Player Pianos? Here are some…

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